Re: Router filtering not enough! (Was: Re: CERT advisory )

Darren Reed (
Fri, 27 Jan 1995 10:55:46 +1100 (EDT)

> > 	another method.  use the arp cache to check source ip addresses 
> > against physical layer addresses, local net packets coming from the Net 
> > router, rather then direct from the local machine should be dropped.  
> > this is also sufficient to protect against the spoofing attack from the Net.
> How hard would it be to modify tcpwraper (for example) to check the incomming 
> MAC address on a connection and to be worried if it came from a list of 
> routers but the address was the local net?

I think you'll find that the MAC addresses are unavailable once the packet
has passed through the ethernet code.  I went digging yesterday, looking
for _any_ way to get at the MAC header from the IP routines and found, not
surprisingly, that the MAC header is kept separately to the rest of the
packet, which is passed upto the IP stuff as an mbuf.

You can get at which interface it came from, but that's it, I'm afraid.
